Next Events – Saturday 8th August @ Berkshire Tavern

So there’s some all day music thing going down in the Berkshire Tavern in Newbury all day next Saturday. I’m doing a hip hop/ rnb set between 2pm and 3pm pop along and check out the vibes if you’re in town.

Line up goes something like this:

12pm – DJ Stasha
1pm – not sure
2pm – Shaolin Drunken Monk
3pm – unknown
then from 4pm-12am a variety of house, hardcore, drum an bass and techno will be getting played by a variety of DJ’s

Should be a good days worth of entertainment and the beer in the Tavern ain’t too expensive either!

I got saturday off to lounge about and do nowt,
then back in The Monument on sunday for the weekly Drum an Bass rinseout.