Shaolin Drunken Monk on Mixlr: Internet Radio


Yo! I’ve been looking into getting some kind of internet radio business for the last few months and after last weeks unsuccessful attempt via Ustream I’ve decided that this Mixlr website is the way forwards. Here’s the link to my page, get on there and add yourself to my crowd and you’ll be informed whenabouts everytime I begin broadcasting!

Thats the link above, click the shit out of it.

I’m intending on doing at least a couple of shows every week hopefully including special guests, banter, me being a drunken idiot, and allsorts of good tunes mixed up like you’d expect.

Think my schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursday and possibly Sunday’s when I’m not in The Monument probably starting around 9pm.

So that means the first live broadcast is tonight at 9pm! (if I don’t get too pissed after the England match…)