Today I Will Mostly Be Listening To….


Big Up Ironman, for upping this Badboy. I dunno if this was the first one I ever heard – its certainly the one I remember best – Hype plays his VIP of RIP, then into Hotsteppers 2 – sickness – The tune Roni starts off with – WTF is that? I used to cain both sides of the Darren Jay tape all day long too, pretty much wore it out by the time i went to Uni. Brockie’s tape used to make my car vibrate – Remember The Roller! – and Groove’s intro V.V.V.I.I.I.P.P.P. Dub. Plate. Bizniz. heavy as fuck….. Back in the days we’d be smoking weed and rinsing this tape pack up the spots in the Common… Ahh good times!

Hysteria 19

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