Wu Tang Clan vs. The Beatles

Now this isn’t a new concept, if you cast your brains back to 2004
you’ll surely recall the hype that surrounded Dangermouses’ project
which combined the Jay Z accapella’s from The Black Album and a
series of samples from The White Album by The Beatles to create
The Grey Album. This was higly acclaimed at the time and has since become
a kind of cult collectors item, and I’ve seen them go for mundo mundo bucks on ebay!

Must admit I wasn’t really feeling that, it was no doubt a good notion but
I like my hip hop with a bit more FUNK than Dangermouse managed to
wring from his sample base. And since he’s done that we’ve had Jaydiohead
Sinatra vs. Biggie, Hendrix vs. Biggie and God knows how many others I
haven’t even noticed spamming up the internets.

Anyway so being a Wu Connaisseur I kind of felt like I had to download this one
just in case it wasn’t totally shit. Not listened yet and I’m a bit anxious to be honest…